Forum for the Future

"We can't predict the future, but we can think more about the sort of future we want, and how to achieve it. In fact, it is vital that we do just that." Find out how our "Futures Wiki" knowledge management software is helping FFTF achieve their vision...

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  • Market Sector: Sustainability
  • Established: 1996
  • No. of employees: Unknown
  • With Benchmark since: 2008


Founded in 1996, Forum for the Future (FFTF) is an independent, non-profit organisation with a mission to promote sustainable development.

Most organisations now recognise that global challenges like climate change, food and energy security and population growth will mean big changes for the way they operate.  Forum for the Future’s role is to help them find their way to a sustainable and successful future.

They help businesses and public service providers to understand and manage the risks that change will bring, to find new opportunities in tackling these global challenges, to implement their own commitments to social and environmental responsibility, and to work with others to overcome barriers to action.

The Futures department of Forum for the Future carries out research on future trends within the social, technological, environmental, economic and political (STEEP) areas which is then passed on to other organisations as reports, such as The Future of Packaging, Retail Futures 2022 and Climate Futures. All this information, data and references was previously being stored on a multitude of spreadsheets.

These were becoming difficult to manage and did now allow more than one person to work on a project at any one time.

Forum for the Future contacted Benchmark because they were aware of our experience in knowledge management. We created a solution by modifying our existing knowledge management software to meet their needs.

The software, or “Futures Wiki” as it’s called, now allows the Futures department to properly manage and utilise all of their research. They can make individual entries and then link them to multiple projects and have more than one person working on a piece of research at a time. They can also quickly and effectively generate reports for clients in a fraction of the time it took before.

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